Monday, June 30, 2014 — Do Not Be Anxious

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-8 (NIV)

So begins our journey together this week. To me, these verses define the importance of prayer, of that innate communication with our God; and, I believe, of the importance of sharing – like this – our celebrations, gratitude and our concerns – not just with God, but with one another – a real network of Christian fellowship that has the potential for understanding, respectful dialogue, caring fellowship, shared prayer and expression of unconditional Love and praise.

Scripture, music, nature, my kids, day-to-day interactions and ‘God sightings.’ Being in the moment, senses wide awake – for me, these are the simple things that can transcend to the Spiritual, to an awareness of His presence, of being on holy ground. These are the things I hope to bring here: simple expressions, responses to His Word and to the relational pull by the One who calls us closer.

Today begins another day, Lord. The cool dampness of early morning breezes in through the window. The sun teases through the blinds. The robins herald the dawn with their morning matins. Intuitively they start their day with praise. So let it be with us. Despite the heaviness of our thoughts from the day before, inspire us to let it go – so that we, too, can praise you with unburdened hearts, knowing we can rely on You. We are here. We are listening. Engage with us. Meet us where we are at. Inspire us to do the job you need us to do. Help us tune into your space, your Word. Infuse our hearts with your Spirit’s presence to help us connect, to help us face the day. In your holy, healing name, we pray. Amen

About Carolyn Venema

Carolyn Venema lives in Mount Hope, Ont. She blogs at This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online