A Retreat in the Midst of Life

Re: A Listening Heart, June
Thank you Phil Reinders. There is a wonderful program offered by the Week of Guided Prayer Network through the United Church of Canada Hamilton Conference that is also based on the Lectio Divina. There are at least four Presbyterian congregations in Ontario who use this material and who have found profound spiritual benefits for both their individual Retreatants and home church.

Basically the Week follows the process described in the article with one addition between the oratio and contemplatio: that of journaling one’s thoughts, feelings, questions, etc, about what one hears from God in the scripture passages. I have found that when I let God speak through journaling that He has much to say to me.
I have been involved with this “retreat in the midst of daily life” for a long time. Each year it involves a one week commitment to spend 30 minutes a day in reading and contemplating given scripture passages, and 30 minutes a day with a trained Companion sharing one’s concerns, “a ha” moments, and prayer. Anyone (clergy or lay) who would like more information on this inspiring congregational spiritual opportunity can consult the Week of Guided Prayer website.