God Bursting Forth

Words do not begin to describe our experience at the Burst Forth Conference, the Women’s Gathering in May. What an amazing weekend! To be totally honest my initial reaction as I walked into the conference centre was “Oh my we are an old bunch of women” But as the weekend proceeded I only gained respect for those in attendance. To see older ladies in their 80s and 90s coming to a conference such as this was pretty special for sure. Wonderful role models too I might add.

And the program each day was just so wonderful. The times of worship filled us up. Every one of the speakers was so inspiring and each message spoke to us. There were just so many signs of God bursting forth. And the offering for the Syrian women and children evoked wonderful emotion and gratitude.

So the MC, the worship leaders, the Forum and Workshop facilitators all did a wonderful job. I would especially like to thank the Planning Committee for the awesome job they did in making this all happen. They didn’t miss a thing. The music as well was great ! So Planning Committee a very big and very sincere “thank you” for all your work! Well done!

About Janet Clapp, Winchester, Ont.