Proclaiming God’s Will

Re Voices of the Faithful, May
Scotland may affirm “a constitution that adopts a rigorously secular stance and delimits religious involvement.” Even so, as our Declaration of Faith Concerning Church and Nation states, “the church may not hold aloof from the affairs of the nation, whether the authorities be of the faith or against it … As [the Church’s] Lord may lay it upon her, she declares and commits herself to His will by public proclamations of her courts or agents.”

The question is not whether or not “the Scottish Government [or any government] would pay special attention to the church’s uttering.” Rather, it is whether or not the church dares to affirm her role as did Old Testament prophets proclaiming God’s will even to kings.

We can be grateful for the faithful work of the General Assembly’s Committee on International Affairs which dares to address governments and corporations concerning the ignoring of God’s concern for oppressed people and our suffering planet.

About Willard Pottinger, Hamilton, Ont