Blowing Bubbles

When the great-grandchildren were here last summer, I spent time blowing bubbles for them.  Such fun!

I’ve been blowing bubbles lately…not the soapy variety, but small “what if’s”, for that is all bubbles are…a promise that often deflates before fulfillment.

There has been some changes in the family structure; trying to accommodate this new thing is somewhat difficult and there have been moments when I felt like I was doing exactly that…blowing bubbles…great ideas that just died in the water…but we are working on it and praying for wisdom and the discernment of God’s will.

Recently my granddaughter told a family member “Don’t spend too much time with grandma, she’ll just try and fix you.”

What is this driving force that wants to “fix” things?  I love duct tape…it is the greatest assistant-fixer in the world…but there are some things that even duct tape cannot fix.

A messed up house, garden or life seems to cry out to me…fix me, fix me…tidy me, hug me.  And “Patient Pat”, is not a sub-title of my life.  I am somewhat impulsive but very much a realist.  I am glad God understands me for at time I don’t understand myself.

But today is a new day and there will be decisions made that hopefully will result in more than bubbles floating by.  I pray to God and want to add “And I’d like this to happen NOW!”  then I recall the words of the song “Beautiful”…”In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time.” I taught it to my Vacation Bible School kids and although I know the verse and the melody, it is the “message” that has slipped by me somehow.

I believe that the word retirement is misnamed.  The job at the office may be gone and even some of the church responsibilities but the job of Mother is there forever.  And yes, I will no doubt continue to try to fix things.

Rick Warren in one of his CD’s speaks of the joy of tying his daughter’s shoe laces.  She had faith that he knew how to perform this difficult task.  Similarly, I know my Father can tie up these laces of life that are dangling right now.  These difficult days will pass and the time of chasing bubbles will pass.  His plan will be achieved…and this I truly believe.

 Photograph: “Little miss (4771061730)” by Roman HarakLittle miss. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.