Friday, July 18, 2014 — Sometimes When I Pray

Sometimes when I pray,
something opens that I have no words for.
Something that resists all my efforts to name it.

As daily I look
for that which will make me whole
That which cannot be named
visits with me in the silence
asking that I give myself back to it. .

Often inside this wholeness
is an annunciation.
I feel grace upon grace
come to me unbidden and undeserved.
Of that fullness we have all received.

Wisdom greets me
and she lifts the veil to show
that just below the surface of life,
on the edges of what I call the “self”
is the face of the Vastness
of which I am a child.

Here I find the fruit of the womb
that connects us all.
And I experience being within it
everytime I proclaim gospel,
And give my attention to that word
whose only desire is to bless me:

Here I learn that
the one who comes before
and the one that comes after
All are beloved of God.

That is when I realize that
the Love I seek
is always and already
dwelling in me.

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online