It’s not too late!

Church in Fall“It’s not too late for what?” you might ask. Originally I was going to title this post “Are you ready for summer worship?” I know, I know – I’m more than a little behind as you’ll be reading this when July is nearly over. But the points I’m making are still valid, and if you need to revise things, you can.

The church I visited for worship during my time away from home is not the one in the photo. It is also not a PCC congregation so right now you can stop trying to figure out which place it might be! Based on my recent experience I’d like to outline some do’s for summer worship.

  • Do advertise your summer worship time should it be different than the rest of the year. If you have an outdoor sign that can’t be changed, please put some kind of notice on the main door (or other noticeable place) to alert visitors and travellers. Not everyone has internet access 24/7 to check your website.
  • Do provide the best possible music leadership even if/when your regular musicians are on vacation.
  • Ditto for those filling in for the minister. Content and delivery are equally important.
  • Do prepare all the worship aids you regularly have. eg., hearing assistance, large print bulletins, etc.
  • If you use more than one hymnal or songbook, please indicate what the initials in front of the numbers stand for.
  • Lastly, having a greeter at the entry all through the service is really helpful to guests who arrive halfway through the service because they didn’t know you were starting at 10 for the summer.