Tears & Fears


thoughts by jody malm, Sheridan Lake House Church


Do you ever wake up some mornings and no matter what the tears come… ooh that frustrates me!  You can’t explain why, they just roll down your face. Is this honestly just a girl thing? I really wonder that… Fears and tears; which came first, do they go hand and hand, sometimes for me they do.

How does God know the fears in my head and my heart? How does he know, the fears I have about my kids? How does he know, my fear of making ends meet?  How does he know, that I am so tired at the end of the day, that I fear if one more thing happens I will lose it? How does he know that my heart fears for a friend who is sick and dying? How does he know, the fears I have of today, of tomorrow? How does God know, honestly how does he know?

Uh oh, here come the tears!  A little at a time, they start to flow, will the kids be ok? The tears are heavy, will we be ok?  Tears of frustrations creep in, I can’t keep up. Tears of anxiety, I can’t breathe, what’s next? Tears of sadness, I hurt.  God, why tears?

I look for strength and understanding, I reach to my daily readings, I have 3 of them on the go right now, one of them, if not all of them are just what I need.  How does God know? I read; he knows my every thought, he will provide for me, he is with me, he comforts me, he takes my hand like a child and will lead the way.

God helps me start to breathe, wipes the tears from my eyes, and chases my fears away. He fills me with his love and peace.   I feel peace and quiet wash over me like rain from the sky, my tears are heaven sent. God feels my pain, he doesn’t take it away, and he is with me. God is with me. I say it again and again to myself. What a powerful feeling.  God is with me, he will guide me as I focus on him.

I pray, come Lord Jesus, refresh me, open my mind, fill my soul, I need you, I want you. Take these fears that are robbing me like a thief. Fill me with your love, let me be strong. I become thankful, gratitude for all that God is doing and has done for me. The more I focus on God, the fears have no room to grow, and they can’t breathe.  I look at nature, I see a pregnant woman, I see a couple holding hands, I see God………. Do you ever feel this way?  I try to remember that I am never alone, God is with me and he is with you too.