Thursday, August 21, 2014 — Fear Not

This was a doodle drawn on a table covering at our Conference Annual Meeting in 2013. Rev. Michael Blair from General council Office was our guest theme speaker. This was a reoccurring theme that came up during his speech. It has become a mantra for me in my life.

Whether it be the restructuring of our national United Church, working in my local congregation or even in my own spiritual life…God is up to something. For me this does not mean that God is going to step into my life and re-arrange my life or fix our church struggles. I do not believe in a God who intervenes. I believe in a God who gives me strength and courage to overcome fear in my life. Fear of change, fear of making that first step, fear of speaking my truth, fear of facing what needs to change in my life and in the world.

When I see this phrase “Fear Not: God is up to something!” I begin to believe that anything is possible and I begin to believe I can become part of the change needed to erase fear in my life and the world. This phrase is not about sitting back and hearing God say “Watch what I am going to do…” It is rather, why are you afraid? Our Creed from 1968 starts with the powerful words “We are not alone! We live in God’s world…”

This tells me I are not alone! God is saying to me “I am here to give you the courage necessary to take the first step back into my world of love, forgiveness, justice and hope, which has been my dream for you and the world since the beginning of time”. Let go of the fear like a baby lets go of fear and takes the first step and learns how to walk. Anything is possible in our lives and in this world if we let go of fear.

Imagine if we said “Fear not: God is up to something and I plan to be a part of that this day. And so I pray as we begin this day.

O Holy One,
breathe your spirit upon us
and help us remove the fear.
Help us take that first step back into your kingdom
And be part of what you are up to this day.
May we bring your dreams for us and our world to life.
We ask this with an open heart and without fear. Amen!

About Jeff Doucette

Rev. Jeff Doucette is a United Church minister living in Pickering, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online