Monday, August 25, 2014 — Reflect

As dusk yields to darkness tonight, I urge you to reflect on today. Make space for a few minutes of solitude. Think about the day in the order in which it happened.

Whom did you spend time with? How was that time? Was God’s Spirit present? Was your companion of today’s journey blessed? Were you blessed?

Let us pray: Loving God, we praise you tonight for all of your creation. We thank you for making us a little lower than the angels, created in your image. Where we failed to see You in others today, please forgive us. Where we saw Your presence in others and ourselves, we thank you. You alone are holy, you call us into your holiness and we thank you for your relentless calling and Your gracious forgiveness of our shortcomings. May we rest in peace tonight, along with our families, friends, neighbours, and also our enemies whom you also insist we love. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

About Nicole Reid

Nicole Reid is in her third year studying for a master of divinity degree at Knox College, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online