Tied Up

We had our Spring “Pig-out Party” at my house.  It ends the Bible Study sessions until September.  From then on it is just “coffee and conversation” Friday mornings.

Our lesson book is done and so we chatted and ate and ate.  These are all seniors and believe me they know how to cook.  I had to take two antacids when we were done.

Most of us are widows and as they all gathered and chattered away I mentioned that they sounded like a bunch of hens in a hen house.  One nodded her head and said…”but no rooster.”  (Laughter all around.) We have memories of our “together” days but now we tend to cling to each other for moral and spiritual support.

I have this problem…I see stories in so many aspects of life and when a few of them were chatting in the kitchen about their problems, I couldn’t control myself and said “Come here a moment and look at my tomato plant.” (The wind was blowing it quite hard but it was tied with a tiny but firm soft scarf to a sturdy stick.) “Look what the wind is doing to it and its stem grows stronger with each gust.  I don’t worry about it because it is supported and tied to something strong.  We’re like that, whipping about in the wind but tied by God’s grace to his strength, and growing stronger with each passing challenge.”

Seems there is a bit of the evangelist in me.  Luckily the girls know this and they smiled and accepted that I just can’t keep quiet when I see a story to share.

I just wish I could learn to practice what I preach.  I sure understand where Paul was coming from when he said he did what he didn’t want to do and vice versa and sometimes I get discouraged when my times of testing seem to snowball on me.  Maybe what I need is a good old fashioned hot shower…(it’s pouring rain and it is cold in the house.) Then I realize that what I truly need is the warmth of God’s presence and love…so I pray, I listen and sometimes I hear solutions.  One thing for sure I know I am tied to the Lord and with his support I can handle most everything.