Wednesday, August 27, 2014 — Different Experience

As I sit comfortably in my house, with breakfast eaten, after a good sleep on a comfortable mattress, I think about all the people in the world whose experience is so vastly different. My heart goes out to refugees fleeing from war and natural disasters. These are people that are so much more than the latest front page statistics. Let’s pray:

Holy God, the worlds you made were made in love, made to exist in harmony within creation and with You. You gave us free will to choose you. And you deemed it ‘good.’ I cry when I see malnourished children. You cry when another bomb hits the ground. We cry at our apparent inability to fix this mess. Lord of heaven and earth, make us channels of YOUR peace – the peace that the world cannot give – Your peace that begins with loving our neighbour, but extends to the rest of the human race and to all of creation. Grant us the imagination and creativity to do what you would have us do today. May your kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

About Nicole Reid

Nicole Reid is in her third year studying for a master of divinity degree at Knox College, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online