Thursday, August 28, 2014 — Sever Me from Myself

This morning, I offer a prayer from Erasmus. It was a challenge to me as I read it. I pray that it may be a blessing also, not only for me but for all of you too. Let us pray:

Sever me from myself
that I may be grateful to you;
may I perish to myself
that I may be safe in you;
may I die to myself
that I may live in you;
may I wither to myself
that I may blossom in you;
may I be emptied of myself
that I may abound in you;
may I be nothing to myself
that I may be all to you. Amen.

About Nicole Reid

Nicole Reid is in her third year studying for a master of divinity degree at Knox College, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online