VST Staff Move into St. Andrew’s Hall

Vancouver School of Theology and St. Andrew’s Hall staff are closer than ever, with VST turning a wing of the Presbyterian college’s residence into temporary office spaces while its new facility is being built.

St. Andrew’s Hall has been “very open and accommodating” during the period of transition, said Rev. Dr. Richard Topping, VST’s principal and a former professor at St. Andrew’s Hall.

VST sold its iconic Iona building to the University of British Columbia earlier this year for $28 million. Most of the proceeds of the sale will be placed in a foundation to be used for the continuing operations of the school. An estimated $5 million is to be used to turn Somerville House, one of VST’s two remaining buildings, into its new facility. Classes are being held in the Chapel of the Epiphany while construction is underway.

“We’re really looking at the future of theological education in North America and realized more and more is being delivered remotely,” Topping said. “We want a building that will serve the needs of the college.”

The repurposed building will include offices, a library, archives and classrooms equipped to easily integrate students taking courses online.

Topping said he hoped construction would be finished by the end of next August.