The Crocheted Cross

I hurried to the doctor’s office just before office hours began. I was there early hoping I could get in just as the doctor opened his door, before the daily line of patients, get my prescriptions renewed, and get to work before too much of the morning was gone. I work full time as a nurse, volunteer at church and elsewhere and spend as much time as I can with my family. Any way that I can find to save time is a bonus. As I stood there in the hall in front of the office door that day I was feeling a bit down, somewhat at loose ends.

I enjoy my life for the most part, am grateful for my health and family, but at that time I was feeling that I was on a treadmill going nowhere. Nothing significant seemed to be happening. I was 61 years old and wondering if I was on the right track; was there something different I should be doing? I read my Bible, pray, and try to follow the Lord’s leading, but I was wondering if I had missed some fork in the road. I had been praying about it but did not seem to be getting an answer. One of the things I had been praying about was mission. I had felt called to missions for a very long time, but life’s circumstances had never led me in that direction.

My daughter and I had been asked to participate in a medical missions trip to Kurdistan a couple of years prior and were set to go, when logistics and political circumstances resulted in that opportunity disappearing.

It had always been a dream of mine to go to Africa. I had felt drawn there since I was a young girl. But at that point in my life it seemed like an impossible dream. I was a divorced woman, working full time and with personal responsibilities.

I wanted the Lord to give me a sign that I was going the right way. If I was to keep on doing what I was doing and never see Africa, as long as I was where He wanted me to be I was OK with that, but I wanted to hear from Him.

As I waited, an elderly woman came down the hall and stood beside me; it seemed we were both waiting for the same doctor to arrive. She seemed very nice, and we exchanged pleasantries, then continued to watch the door and wait.

A few minutes later she reached into her purse and pulled out what looked to be a small white piece of cloth. She said, “I would like to give this to you; I make them, and from time to time I give one away to someone I meet when I feel it is the right time, and today I would like to give this one to you.” She opened her hand and I saw that the small white piece of cloth was actually a beautiful, delicately crocheted cross.

I took the cross from her hand and a smile spread across my face as I thanked her and told her that this was the answer to a prayer. This was the sign I had been asking for! I told her of my recent prayers and that I now felt deep in my soul that God was telling me that I was on the right path, to keep on keeping on and He would lead me where I should go. She said she was glad and she would pray for me as well. I felt lighter than air for the rest of the day.

Less than a year after receiving that cross I was in Malawi, Africa, on a mission study tour. I was in awe during the entire trip, not only because I was finally in Africa but because of the marvelous work that I saw being done there by Presbyterian World Service & Development and the people of Malawi. Their love for God, their generosity, and hopeful, positive spirits humbled me every day I was there.

As I continue on my journey I know that if I look for God’s leading, both in His word and in the small signs He gives me in my everyday life, I will always be on the right path.

About Gail Knight

Gail Knight is a nurse and works as director of care in a long - term care facility. She is also the Sunday school coordinator at St. Giles, St. Catharines, Ont.