To Sleep, Perchance to Dream?

A recent TV ad showed a lady running up a flag that said “I Slept”.  I can sure relate to that. Sleep deprivation seems to be an ongoing senior’s complaint.

I have tried journaling my eating habits, exercise habits and even my emotional state during the day.  There is just no rhyme or reason as to why I sleep well one night and not the next, regardless of what the experts say.

I have all kinds of sleep helps, including an old “Walkman” CD player that rests on the pillow Harry used to sleep on and a small sleep enticer that gives off five different sounds…including rain, waterfalls and summer insects buzzing, and I have a radio that informs me in the middle of the night, of subjects I really have no interest in, and every hour repeats the same national news.  I sort of count how many times I have heard it. I know after the third time, I should be falling off to sleep pretty soon.

Occasionally I hear something on the radio that wakes me just as I begin to doze off.  That happened recently. The announcer said something about a Church Leader’s emphasis being a” people focused” religion.  Shouldn’t we be a “God focused people”?

What would be the sense of a religion that was not God- focused.  Worshipping people is not exactly what I think it is all about.  Caring about them, certainly, but without God as the object of our worship and without striving to be more like Jesus, we would find we had lowered the bar considerably.

I know many wonderful people but I refuse to use them as an example of what life is all about.  And I would be wretched if I thought someone was using me as an example of what to strive for…and my kids would sure clean up that misinformation in a hurry.

I haven’t got to the point of raising a flag telling the neighbourhood I have had a good sleep, but there are those mornings when I wake up a bit more refreshed than usual and wonder what in the world I did right the night before…it is a puzzlement, so I just give thanks and have a bit of a chuckle …there are so many things that only God knows and He isn’t telling me.

Image: Gürkan Sengün [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons