Thursday, Septemeber 18, 2014 — Inter-spirituality

A re-reading of Hebrew and Hindu, Islamic and Buddhist Scriptures and other sacred texts will show that the mystical is like Joseph’s “coat of many colours” (Genesis 37). Occasionally it may help to stand outside our own worldviews and religious belief systems to see the colours better from a distance. Everywhere new landscapes are opening up where Spirit is showing us “a new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21).

The Jesus tradition reminds us that it is G-d who draws us to G-d. This consciousness leads us to compassion for all the other bodies around us. And we are led to new understandings of G-d, however named.

Inter-spirituality is the ability to engage world sacred traditions and test the truth claim that the dream of God is that all of us can gather as a “house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56) in common life, service to others and shared practices.

‘God, for your goodness, give me yourself. For you are enough for me and I may not ask anything that is less, that may be fully worthy of you. And if I ask any thing that is less, I am always wanting. But only in you I have all.’ (Julian of Norwich , Showings, 5)

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online