From The Story of Ruth

By Beverly M. Wilcox


Back in times when the Judges ruled, in days of antiquity,

There lived a man named Elimelech, and his dear wife Naomi.

A terrible famine gripped their land, of Bethlehem-Judah ‘tis said,

So together they left with their two sons, to a strange land where there was bread.

In the country of Moab they settled, thinking just for a time to abide;

Then Naomi was left alone with her sons, when her husband Elimelech died.

Mahlon and Chilion the boys you know, married Moabite wives;

Orpah and Ruth, no dearer maids could’ve brought more joy to their lives.

Together they dwelt in Moab land, in all about ten years –

When Naomi’s sons they also died, bringing sorrow and so many tears.

Naomi said, “I’m going home, for I’ve heard the dearth is o’er”-

To her daughters-in-law she bid goodbye, but they clung to her weeping sore.

Orpah returned to her people then, but Ruth was minded to go,

And would not turn back from her mother-in-law, for she loved Naomi so.

‘Twas barley harvest in Bethlehem, and Ruth went out to glean,

In the fields of Boaz, a wealthy man, and Elimelech’s next of kin.

Now Boaz was a kindly man and respected all his days,

And Ruth, a virtuous woman, was loved for her Godly ways.

A closer kinsman cleared the way for Boaz and Ruth to wed,

And God blessed them with a little son, whom the women named Obed.

Naomi’s days were filled again, her heart was made to sing!

And this little child would someday be, Grandfather to a King!

Beverly M. Wilcox