Tuesday, September 23, 2014 — Pilgrimage

Today’s theme is pilgrimage. Yesterday I spoke of prophets, those people with a profound message that bring us to God. Who are the leaders, prophets, saints (both living and living on in other ways) that inspire us to live the Gospel? Pilgrimage usually involves travelling to a specific locale. Jewish people often do it during Sukkoth (the Festival of Booths) or Passover, the Muslims make Hajj yearly. And sometimes Christians go to various holy sites. Why do we do this? Why is it important for so many religions to follow in the footsteps of those who came before us? Because we long for connection.

It isn’t always easy to make pilgrimage but sometimes we can from our living rooms. There are ways we can journey to the heart of those who came before us, by reflecting on their lives and even their writings.

I invite you, today, for one minute, to sit quietly and think of someone who has inspired you on your faith journey. Put a token in your pocket, like a stone, a button, or something else, and every time you touch that item, thank God for them in your life. Make the pilgrimage within!

Here is our prayer for the morning.
God of sojourners, we are all pilgrims on a journey to the heart of Jesus. You have sent many to us to walk with us, some still walking and some who have their own path to walk. Guide us to where you would have us go as we look for new ways in which you reveal yourself. In your name, amen.

Blessings on your day.

About Shalome MacNeill Cooper

Shalome MacNeill Cooper is at Iona, Scotland, as part of the resident group of the Iona Community's staff management team. She is from Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and is a candidate for ordained ministry with the United Church of Canada. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online