Wednesday, September 24, 2014 — Healing

Yesterday we spoke of pilgrimage and revisited those who have travelled with us during our life and spiritual journey. As we reach back into the past, we often find old hurts that still affect us this day. We also may suffer from a dis-ease, something that unsettles our spiritual, physical, or emotional well being. Today’s theme is healing.

Jesus healed many infirmities in those whom he ministered to, their physical, spiritual and emotional being. But what does it mean to be healed? Does it mean full restoration? Or does it mean restoration at all? Could it be that healing is the very best health for the circumstance?

Wounds take time to heal, whether they are seen or unseen. Our frail bodies, so liable to suffering, the very gift of God, can seem to betray us with things like cancer, heart disease, ALS, ebola, depression, addiction, anxiety and so much more. Our spirits, while made in God’s image, are broken by our humanity.

What needs healing in our life today? How can we help others to heal from what harms them? So, we pray.

Divine Physician, in whose image we are made, we are broken by our humanity but strong in our desire to overcome all that harms us. May you, God, ever present with us, be with us and heal us of all that harms us in mind, spirit and body, that we may be restored to life. Help us to understand those with unseen illnesses, that we may be agents of healing in this world. May we have compassion, grace and humility in helping others keep their dignity when they are unwell or passing from this earth into your arms. Amen.

Please find below a video of Jean Vanier, fellow Canadian and founder of the L’Arche Community and his talk on healing and inner liberation. Blessings on your day.

About Shalome MacNeill Cooper

Shalome MacNeill Cooper is at Iona, Scotland, as part of the resident group of the Iona Community's staff management team. She is from Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and is a candidate for ordained ministry with the United Church of Canada. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online