World Wide Communion Sunday

Today is the day we celebrate Communion world wide.  How amazing is that!  Together we come before God in Thanksgiving and celebrate together the mystery of Eucharist.

Each day this week in your personal prayers,  name three things that you are thankful for and hold up to God in gratitude.

Great God of the harvest,  we give You thanks and praise for this day of celebrating Communion World Wide.   Through this sacrament,  O Lord,  open our eyes and stir up our enthusiasm to bring peace and healing and  love into Your world.  We thank You Lord that You hear our prayers.  Almighty God,  for this season of Autumn when the leaves fall and our weather changes,  aid us to change as well into the people You have called us to be.  We thank You Lord that You hear our prayers.     We pray for those who are living in war zones and areas of conflict.  Instill within their leaders Your peace and wisdom.    We thank You Lord that You hear our prayers.  Stir up our hearts this day O Lord so that we will sit within Your presence each day in prayer and reading scripture and meditation.   We thank You Lord that You hear our prayers and answer our petitions.   May Your will be done throughout this day and forever.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.  Amen.