Monday, October 13, 2014 — Reconnecting with Nature

In the early 2000s I came upon a writer called Thomas Berry, (Dream of the Earth, The Great Work, The Universe Story (with Brian Swimme)). He beautifully expressed how we humans have lost our connection to the Earth, and how this not only causes us to destroy the environment, but how we also lose touch with something wild and precious within ourselves.

This four-minute audio is taken from the introduction to my book, “Reclaiming the Wild Soul,” which seeks to explore the issue of separation from the Earth in my own words and from a slightly different perspective. I hope this week will be an exploration of how we can reconnect to nature and our wilds souls, and why this is so important. Hope the audio link works!

About Mary Reynolds Thompson

Mary Reynolds Thompson is a writer, life coach and facilitator of poetry and journal therapy, helping others live from their deeper, wilder, more creative selves. She is author of Embrace Your Inner Wild: 52 Reflections for an Eco-Centric World and Reclaiming the Wild Soul: How Earth's Landscapes Restore Us to Wholeness. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online