Thanksgiving Tuesday

Prayer:   Almighty God,  we give You thanks and praise for Your bounteous harvest.  Stir up our souls so that we continue to share Your love in thanksgiving with our family and friends and community this day.   Amen.

John 14

This is an odd passage of scripture to be reading for Thanksgiving but it came up this week in the work we’re doing on writing our Advent Devotional.   And somehow reading about Jesus preparing a place for us is indeed all about Thanksgiving.       We all want to belong somewhere.   Knowing Jesus has gone ahead and prepared a place in God’s  many mansions is  awesome.     At Church we each have our place in our favourite pew.  Some people sit on the end of the pew and don’t move while others slide along the pew so late comers have a place to zip in at the last minute.    People decorate the Church for Thanksgiving to remind us of God’s harvest.   (Aha.  We should have a “best decorated church” photo contest in the Presbyterian Record…. I think St Andrew’s  Brandon would win this year…just saying…)   Preparing a place for Thanksgiving dinner.   With our family,  we have a place at the table that is ours… or depending upon your age whether you are at the adult table or the kids table.        With  ministry,  we reach out this thanksgiving by sharing God’s Word in worship and sharing food.

With the floods this year in Manitoba,  many of our farmers have lost their harvest.  The financial toil upon their families is a heavy burden.  But we come together as family to celebrate the Thanksgiving meal.     A time to thank God that even though the harvest is lost,  family is still together.

Preparing a place for us.   How reassuring that Jesus has prepared a place for us!   Something indeed to be thankful.

Prayer:  Each day O LORD  may we offer up to You our gratitude.  We thank You that You have prepared a place for us so that no matter what happens in our life,  we know that You surround us with Your love.   Prepare our hearts this day to share Your love with others so that they too may give Thanksgiving.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.