The Amazing Works of God

Submitted by Nikki Bonter, Sheridan Lake house Church.

 One afternoon while at work on the till in the local store, one of our locals came in and handed me a wallet with “lots of money in it, Nikki. I just picked it up at the gas pumps.” Feeling guilty about going into the wallet, I looked. Yes, lots of money! Probably all of someone’s holiday money. I found a fishing license with a name so I called the number. A lady answers and I just had time to identify myself and mention this lost wallet, only to have the phone go dead. Mmm…tried a couple more times, and nothing. So I wrapped the wallet in an elastic and put it in the safe with the intention of calling again tomorrow.

 Meanwhile it’s Wednesday, which means house church at our place that evening. But then I discover my grandson has streppe throat, so we decide to make a quick switch to another home for church. Usually I stay and attend house church, while husband Pete goes to maintain the provincial park that we take care of nightly. But this particular evening I decided to go to the park with him, and as I was helping with the collecting and other things that needed doing, I walked into the #12 spot with a greeting and a little chat.

 In the course of our visit, I noted this lady’s name, and thought “mmm…wow! Think I’ve heard that name…” So I ask the question, with my heart pounding! “Did you happen to lose a wallet today?” She starts jumping two feet off the ground and says, “was that you who called?”  After I explained what took place, she just sat on the picnic table emotionally exhausted and said “you know we believe in God and have been praying all day that the wallet would be found!” And I said, “well I do too…I guess that’s why I’m here!”

Nikki Bonter