A Picture of Grace

Submitted by Lori Meyer of the Forest Grove Community Church.

A Teenager, whether aged 14 or 54, is ranting about everything wrong in the world. Especially his Dad, who doesn’t “understand” him, or give him what he wants, or make life easier. He is angry, rebellious, even a bit mean, and bad attitude is sticking out all over him like a porcupine ready to  kick butt!

 And the Father says: “Come over here honey.” (Yes, He calls a 14 or 54 year old ‘honey’…). “Come over here.” And He pulls that awful angry kid into His arms, and He snuggles him and strokes his porcupine quills and pats his back, and He says to that boy (or girl) “No matter how cranky and ungrateful you are, I can see around that. You are My very dear child, and I love you so much, and I always will! Shhh, Shhh, I am here…”

By Lori Meyer

pic courtesy of www.flickr.com by Mizu 001