Wednesday, November 5, 2014 — For the Abundance of Today

Good morning from a little town in Newfoundland where the rolling hills meet the sea….where the birds sing and the gulls fly and men build boats….

Dear God
(deep breath)
We are ready
For the abundance of today
Like the morning we open ourselves to you
Fill our cup and let it overflow today
Connect us as your river runs deep
Flowing through all of us: far and near
(deep breath)
We are one in You today
We feel the burdens and gifts of our whole
And we ask you to send healing to our Body in Christ
And strength and love to us
So that Your wholeness can work
Through our mind, our body, our spirit
(deep breath)
Dear God break open the secrets of this life for us
Send us signs and affirmations with your Spirit
Push us and nudge us and direct our sails
Make the day full with Love for we are ready with faith.

About Gneid Walsh

Gneid Walsh is a United Church minister living in Newfoundland. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online