Thursday, November 13, 2014 — No Entry Here

“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” [John 1:14, The Message] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
no entry here
this is my occupy moment
i may not look intimidating
beneath my charm lies…
do not dare cross this line!
i am parked right here
rolling my eyes over your every move
sniffing out your every thought
it is your interest i have in mind
YOU look tired and spent
to be entering this space
you have turned into office and bed
forget that meeting, article to write
and papers to mark
Jesus did have a day off you know!
besides you can take me for a walk
i love chasing my squirrel friends
smelling stale pee and fresh air
and watch you pick up my crap
besides, you can do well
delighting in the scenery
and my rhythmic rolling backside…

God-in-Community who spreads-a table-in-unlikely-places, thank you for love that touches our deepest needs and for calling us on a walk of memory and hope. When we least expect, you come to us in forms and ways we may not even notice. Give us eyes to see where you uncover yourself; give us ears to hear your whispers and groans; give us hearts and minds to be open to your urgings. Turn our layered and complex lives into living testimonies of your symphony of full life for all. Amen

About Michael Jagessar

Michael Jagessar is a minister of the United Reformed Church (UK) and self-identifies as a member of the Caribbean diaspora. You can follow him at This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online