Friday, November 14, 2014 — There is Always a View

“Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves.” [Luke 10:3] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

there is always a view
can you jump over your shadow?
perspective(s) is key to our God-talk
even if we do not claim
to be working with one,
nothing ever drops out of cloud 9!

where is beauty and truth in the viewing?
is it in the intricate weaving
of complex lines textures and colours?
or is it in the interconnectedness of
floating, suspending and displacing existence?

finger-pointing gets us nowhere
open hands or unclenched fists
offer bountiful surprises
ripe with generous possibilities…

Saving-God-to-whom-salvation-belongs, in our world where other powers lure and claim our allegiance, we yearn to be your people. Help us to see clearly who we are and what it means to give our lives to you. May your Spirit gift us with sustenance and courage to do as we pray, and to become instead of merely wishing, so that goodness may prevail in our world and that our lives may be blessed as we become a blessing for your sake and in the name of Christ. Amen

About Michael Jagessar

Michael Jagessar is a minister of the United Reformed Church (UK) and self-identifies as a member of the Caribbean diaspora. You can follow him at This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online