A response to “Hospitality and Justice for all in The Presbyterian Church in Canada: an open letter calling for the inclusion of LGBTQ people in The PCC”

The text I am responding to can be found here: http://pccforinclusion.jigsy.com/

Dear friends:

It is certainly time for us, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, to do more in regards to hospitality and justice for our fellow sinners who self-identify as LBGTQ. I seem to recall a certain Someone saying “…let he who is without sin cast the first stone…”. And He said this as He interacted with a presbytery that was passing the scripture’s prescribed sentence on a woman caught in sexual sin (the adulterous male having been allowed to walk away from it all…). That same Someone is also recorded to have said “….condemn not lest you be condemned for with what measure you condemn so shall you be condemned….”. One of that Someone’s apostles even wrote “….there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus….”

As a Christian I am pleased to live in a country that has accorded the same legal rights to civilly covenanted same-sex couples that it applies to traditional married couples. As a Christian I am appalled at developments in Uganda where, in the presumed name of Jesus, many people in the churches have supported the continued and intensified criminality of homosexual activity while turning a blind eye to the beating and murder of LGBTQ people.

If hospitality and justice means openness and humility in welcoming fellow sinners to worship and conversation, then yes, I believe it is the way of Christ.

If hospitality and justice means taking action to protect the human rights and freedoms, and the very lives, of LBGTQ people who face persecution, beatings, prosecution, imprisonment and death for expressing the basic human freedom of their understandings of love for their partners, then yes, I believe it is the way of Christ.

Not that my belief means very much in the grand scheme of things. However, one can only believe what one believes at any given time as we hold ourselves open to correction by our Lord.

And that brings us to the question: How does our Lord direct, guide and correct us using Scripture?

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