Tuesday, November 18, 2014 — Remembering

Greater love has no person than to lay down their life for a friend…John 15:13

Last week in the US we we remembered those who have chosen to serve and those who were drafted to serve in any military branch…The week before the people of the UK remembered those who gave the ultimate in their military service…as a child of a WW II veteran, the former spouse of a Cold War peace time veteran, and the momma of a current military veteran, today is a day of mixed emotions…but most of all it is a day to thank the Almighty for that hedge of protection that surrounds my child and all the others that serve today.

Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer…
Hear us as we pray…We give thanks for those people who say yes to serving our nations, even if it means they face death as they do so…for the families who say “see ya later” as their loved ones travel miles away…for the families who answered the knock at the door…for our enemies.

Hear us as we pray…for the day when there will be peace…when the sword will become the plow…when spouses and children will not have to stand by and watch buses loaf with those they love…when parents and siblings won’t spend hours waiting to see a “green dot”.

Hear us as we pray…Help us become a people who seek out peace…who work for peace and justice for all people just not the select…show us how to do the work You have deemed for each of us.

We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son, our Savior…Amen

“Well done good and faithful servant”

About Joanne Sharpe

Joanne Sharpe teaches at a Missouri Synod Lutheran school, attends classes at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, and serves as director of children's ministries at an ECLA church. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online