Friday, November 21, 2014 — A Day of Travel

Up earlier than normal…and it is cold…today is a day of travel for me…in fact I am already sitting at my gate….as I people watch I am saying a silent prayer for each person on this flight…

Creator God,
You alone are holy… Bless each traveler, each of us are a traveler…rather we are covering miles or just going through life…

Bless each fellow traveler we encounter…cause us to smile at them no matter what because that smile maybe the only one they get today…

Bless those driving the buses, the cars…those flying the planes…keep us calm as we face the roads and skies…

Be present with us and thank you for the sunrise….this prayer is offered in Jesus’ name…Amen

Friends I will be posting evening prayer a little early this afternoon since I am traveling west and the time zones will be messing with my posting times. Peace

About Joanne Sharpe

Joanne Sharpe teaches at a Missouri Synod Lutheran school, attends classes at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, and serves as director of children's ministries at an ECLA church.