
“Here’s the list” I said to the Lord. “Here are all the things I want you to do to make this present situation work out right.”

Yes, I had a solution.  Just follow the list and things would be great.

But they weren’t.  God didn’t follow my list.  Didn’t he know I always make lists and that’s the way I run things and that’s the way things get done?

Lists may work well with your day to day living, but God seems to do things in ways that just boggle my mind.

Finally I realized the problem was the not problem I perceived…the problem was in my not trusting Him to look after the problem. (Re-read that if it seems confusing.)

I recall when I asked my husband about his favorite hymn and he said ´The one with the Jasper wall…it’s called ‘Simply trusting’.” He was in the 5th year and last year of his cancer and he had found an answer to life that I am still learning.

As I struggled with my problem I finally threw my hands up and said “Enough…You are God…you have all the answers.  You have all the plans. I will trust you.”

The interesting thing was that the next day a quiet solution began to be realized.  I smiled to myself as the recipient of my prayers, began explaining to me, how things were going to work out.

I don’t know why I should be so surprised.  For years He has been doing things that just amaze me…finding a job for my job-less husband and setting the stage for a wonderful life we had not once envisioned, shuffling us to a church family that enriched every day of our lives, granting us the miracle of grand-children and now great-grandchildren, and filling my widowhood with the gift of loving friends and new ventures like writing this blog.

Yes, I know that is a list…a list of blessings and those kinds of lists are good to make, but I will try in the future when I express my concerns to God, to stop snatching them back and stop handing him lists!

He doesn’t need my lists to fix things.  He is all wise and so I will try to heed the message in the song …”Trusting him what-e’er, befall, trusting Jesus that is all.”