Christmas Art Contest

As you read this, I’ll be in my final weeks of my third pregnancy. Our little angel (our third child, but our first girl!) is due on Dec. 26. As you can imagine, Christmas will be extra special for our family this year.

When I tell most people my due date, the general reaction is that our little girl will have it rough—she’ll always get only one combined present instead of two, and everyone will forget her birthday. These thoughts have crossed my mind too, but how I see it now is that she’s so blessed to be born around such a joyous time. A time when most people are in high spirits, the amazing magical spirit of the holidays is in the air, and she’ll be surrounded by family and friends. I call that a true blessing.

I’d like to thank all the artists who submitted their works of art for this year’s cover art contest. Once again we had an incredible amount and variety of inspired artwork to choose from.

I love the excitement and joy that’s evident in the children’s pictures of snowmen and Santas, and am always in awe of the quality and time dedicated by our more established artists.

Our cover winner this year is Chuck Exel from Knox, Tiverton, Ont. This amazing piece is actually a quilt!

We had such a great response from our readers that we couldn’t fit all of your wonderful drawings on our pages. Please visit our website for more Christmas art!

Merry Christmas and I wish you all a fantastic New Year.

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About Caroline Bishop

Caroline Bishop is the Record’s art director.