Monday, December 1, 2014 —Letting Go

Good morning, Casa community. Whether you have been here since the beginning or just joined us yesterday – welcome! It is good to take time each day to be with God. I thank Rafael for inviting me to lead worship here this week, and I invite you to join me in a moment of letting go. In my part of the world, it is the beginning of winter, but there are still some stubborn leaves which are clinging to the mostly bare branches of the trees in my front yard. They no longer even look like leaves – devoid of colour, and curled in upon themselves. And yet, they won’t let go. What is there in your life that you refuse to let go or that seems to be refusing to let you go? This day, I pray for the freedom of letting go.

Loving God, as this new week starts, help me to let go of whatever it is that keeps me from a closer relationship with you.
Help me release my anger, my sorrow, my pain
For with you as the Comforter, I no longer need to hold onto these.
Help me release my frustration, my impatience, my irritation
For with you as my Counselor, all I need do is listen
Help me release my doubt, my uncertainty, my confusion
For with you as my Guide, my faith can only be stronger.

I leave you with this image of a leaf which has fallen from a tree. Note its beauty, and know that it is by letting go that you, too, can be transformed into a new and different – yet, somehow, the same – beautiful thing.

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister of St. Andrew’s, Quebec City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online