Thousands Vaccinated Thanks to Book Sales

For the last 35 years, Bruce Templeton has devoted the month of December to visiting children and assisting Santa Claus. During more than 1,000 visits to places like the children’s hospital, the businessman and member of St. Andrew’s, St. John’s, has collected hundreds of stories and questions—many of them poignant and challenging. He has published them in memoirs: The Man in the Red Suit (2012), and the newly released The Man with the White Beard, which follows up on many of the stories told in the first book.

Proceeds from book sales support Rotary’s Polio Plus program, so far raising enough funds to immunize 200,000 children against polio with Rotary International, of which Templeton is a longtime supporter.

While travelling to promote his books, Templeton has spread his message “about spending quality time with family—that it’s your presence, not presents, that counts.”

Templeton has received numerous awards and accolades for his work, including the Queen’s Jubilee Medal and being named St. John’s Citizen of the Year.

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Amy MacLachlan with files from