Tis the Season to be Grateful

I’m writing this while flying to Minneapolis, where I’m taking a course on philanthropy and completing a certificate in this area of study.

Philanthropy literally means love of humanity. At its heart is gift – giving: people giving from their treasure, whether it be $10, $10,000 or $10 million.

Gifts are wonderful, because they involve thank – yous in two ways. Donors characterize their gifts as a way of saying thank you for their blessings—a way of giving back to society or an institution for something wonderful they received earlier in life.

Then the recipient has the wonderful opportunity to say thank you for the gift received.

Jesus was the gift of the divine self to the world. Just as spouses give themselves to each other without losing their identity, so pure divine love overflowed to create the universe and then, through a deep mystery, became enfleshed in a moment in time in the person of Jesus.

Call it divine philanthropy: God’s ultimate love for humanity.

And for that we give our eternal thanks.

Grace at our house is saying at least one thing we are thankful for. As I head to my course, I want to express my thanks for four things.

First, I am so grateful for this job. It’s been more than 12 years since I was engaged to be the editor of the Record, and it has been an amazing time. The editor of a national publication has an incredibly privileged position, one moment engaged with people at a local event, the next discussing the sweeping national and international changes affecting church and society.

Secondly, I am grateful for this denomination. The Presbyterian Church in Canada has contributed so much to the building of our country, and it continues to look outward to those in need at home and around the world and offer its incredible people and financial treasures to help those who need it most.

I think particularly of the work done with the Dalits—the untouchables—in India, who remain at the bottom of their society. The Presbyterian Church’s work among them is notable.

Thirdly, I am beyond grateful for my colleagues both at the Record itself and also those national church staff who support us, especially the finance department. They are wise, passionate about their work and a delight to work with.

And then, dear readers, there is you! You are the ones we publish this magazine for, and I receive so many positive comments from you in letters and in person about the magazine. It makes our job a joy. Thank you for your encouragement and your engagement with us through these pages and online.

I especially thank the many donors among you. Your support is vital to our ministry—without you, we could not continue to publish in these challenging times.

God has richly blessed me with many gifts. I trust you, too, are richly blessed.

On behalf of the directors and staff of the Record, I wish you all a wonderful, holy and thankful Christmas!