Wednesday, December 3, 2014 — For Everything

“Everything in my life has brought me here.” (Rainer Marie Rilke)

Today, Lord, I thank you for everything that has happened to me.
I thank you for every person whom I have met along the way.
I thank you for every situation – good and bad – which has affected my life.
Everything which has happened to me,
Every person I have met,
They have all contributed to my formation as the person I am now.

I have learned from all
The good things and people have been examples to me
Demonstrating the way I should behave
Teaching me how to respond
While the negative things and people have shown me clearly
What not to do
how not to react

If sometimes, I have not learned my lesson,
Then it is my own fault
And I pray that, in the future,
I will rise to the challenge
I will see the difference
And I will take what I need
From every situation
From every person
And leave behind that which is not beneficial to me
Or to you.

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister of St. Andrew’s, Quebec City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online