Sunday, December 7, 2014 — Days of Heavy Clouds

Advent—my favourite season of the church year. Today, we will light our second Advent candle. I share with you today a Celtic prayer.

Days of heavy clouds stifling the sunlight
the world burdened by greyness and gloom
Open our eyes, Lord, to the coming of your light.
Lifting the burden of darkness from our lives

Chillness that seeps deep into bones
hearts and spirits rigid with frost-hardness
souls wrapped up against coldness and loneliness.
Open our souls, Lord, to the warmth of your coming
Melting the hardness that keeps up from you
And from each other

Trees – branches bare against the steel skies
stems crumpled under weight of frost – weight of snow
last year’s leaves – blackened and slippery underfoot –
nature oppressed by wintriness –
yet resting – awaiting rebirth.
Cherish our hearts, Lord, oppressed by wintriness
Assure us of your coming, of your call to new life

And because it is now Advent, listen to this, and start the season with joy and anticipation. I especially love the ram’s horn at the beginning, calling all of us to prepare.

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister of St. Andrew’s, Quebec City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online