Thursday, December 11, 2014 — Be Ready

From ‘Teach Me, God, to Wonder’. Words by Walter Farquharson and translation by Étienne de Payer.

Let me, God, be ready,
let me be awake,
in your world of loving
my place take.

Fais de moi l’instrument
de ta sainte paix,
qui veut faire s’entendre
ton amour.

Spirit of God, be with us today as we seek to awaken and to remain alert and hopeful. Let us sow peace, joy and love as we move throughout this day. Let us rejoice in you. Amen.

About Caroline Penhale

Caroline Penhale serves Église Unie de la Grâce Collective in the Gatineau Hills region of Quebec. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online