“Throw the Jewelry on ‘er”

I remember a friend of mine, a logging truck driver, who used to say “Well, I had to throw the jewelry on her!”  He was referring to the somewhat laborious but very necessary task of putting chains on his tires when the going got too slippery. Because the one thing to avoid no matter what was to spin out going up a hill, or even more dangerous, try going down an icy hill and lose traction, especially in a loaded logging truck!

 Do you feel like your life is going downhill? Out of control?  Like you’re just spinning your wheels, wondering in your day-to-day routine “is this really all there is?”   Well, the good news is that there really is soooo much more!

 The wise men came bearing gifts, but they really proved their great wisdom when they submitted themselves to Jesus as God in worshipping Him, even as a human baby.

 He is worthy of our total submission and worship to this day of course, because He willingly came into this suffering world in order to love and live the perfect life that we could never live, endure the worst the world could throw at Him, suffer, die and rise again so that we could have the opportunity to be  reconciled with our loving God, have a personal relationship with Him, and eternal life through His forgiveness of everything in our life that has kept us separated from Him.

 Think about it. If you’re reading this and you haven’t yet asked the Lord to forgive you and come into your life, then make this Christmas that turning point in your life! One of the great promises in God’s Word for us through Jeremiah is that if anyone seeks Him with all their heart, they will find Him!  “Throw the jewelry” on the wheels of your life once and for all, by giving control of it to the Lord Jesus Christ. You’ll never regret it!  The greatest blessings of Christmas to you all.


pic. courtesy of www.agefotostock.com