Thursday, December 18, 2014 — Stop and See and Hear

As I head out each day to walk our beagle Flora I pass by Shiloh Hill farms along our country road, I am taken with the smaller tree in the distance (in the middle of the picture in the back). I am not sure why…but I love lone solitary trees against the sky. This walk to the end of Shiloh Rd and back is about 2 miles so it gives me time to think and reflect on many things.

I began to chuckle as I noticed that the tree was blocked off by fencing and I could not get there just yet. And then at the same time I began to notice more things around the tree…in front of the tree. I began to notice the horses quietly munching on hay in all their majestic beauty. I saw the open shed…I noticed a handmade wall made of stone…I could hear the bark of their dog, I could smell the hay and the fresh droppings as the horse stood…um well you know…

For some reason this lone tree has become a symbol of the Christmas celebrations in the far off distance yet so near. It is there calling me…reminding me of a Christmas Eve worship service to prepare…of plans to head back East to see my folks after Christmas. I won’t even comment further on the fact that the Lent/Easter copy of Gathering (worship planning aid) arrived over the past week. But I keep reminding myself that Christmas is there…visible…waiting…yet not yet.

And each time I go by it seems I notice something else…I still see the tree and it still calls to me…but so do the various sights and smells and sounds. And I am reminded this walk has been an Advent/Christmas walk. I am aware of the story of Christmas in the distance…but that Advent still beckons me to look closer and see and hear and smell what it has in store for me in the here and now. We can rush to the Christmas story for many reasons and bypass the gift Advent has for us. Writing for CASA this week has forced me to slow down my rhythm and refocus my Advent eyes.

And so as we begin this day …I send out this challenge to force yourself to stop and see and hear and smell the sounds of Advent around you. Come back during the day and share what you have experienced. Where have you allowed yourselves to taste and see what God is offering this Advent day…smiling and saying to the child in us…be patient, be still and listen to the warm embrace of Advent.

And so we pray…

O Holy One,
Stand in front of me this day and invite me into an Advent moment.
May I experience what you offer. May I refocus my Advent eyes.
May this day before me be another chance to see you, to touch you, to taste you.
In the name of Emmanuel…the not yet…but the already. Amen!

About Jeff Doucette

Rev. Jeff Doucette is a United Church minister living in Pickering, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online