Friday, December 26, 2014 — Healing

Healing Touch is an energy therapy that supports physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health through compassionate, intentional, light or near-body touch. It clears, balances, energizes and supports the human energy system, in an effort to promote healing for the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Healing Touch is like the laying on of hands, but with a guidebook (and mentors and many hours of training). I spent 4 years getting certified in Healing Touch because it was so effective for my own health issues and for clients I worked on.

Also, for me, Healing Touch readily blurs any line between health care and spirituality. When I am working in someone’s energy, Spirit is frequently present and active. Energy/spirit have become identical experiences. I now find extra enjoyment in the scriptures, especially Mark’s gospel, that describe Jesus as healing/blessing through touch.

Today, colleagues and I will be providing Healing Touch to female military veterans in the Chicago area at a wellness event. May we be led to those people who need and want our touch. Pray for us and them, please.

About Cossy Ksander

Cossy Ksander is a Presbyterian minister, healing touch practitioner, and explorer of a Quaker perspective on life. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online