Fear Not

Although I have no fear of public speaking, I have a dreadful fear of winter’s icy roads.  Northern Alberta was probably not the best choice of residence and yet I have been here since 1961.  I am sure God had a reason for this and maybe it was to allow me every winter to face those fears, for I am still driving and still praying every time I get into the car.

What are you scared of?  It’s a good question to ask oneself.  I think ill health would probably head the list of many of us.  Lack of independence would probably be near the top, especially for seniors.  I think the list is endless and perhaps it is better to concentrate on the positives…maybe that’s why the Bible is so full of “Fear Not’s.”

One of my senior friends has a terribly long list of fears and every day as she views world news she adds to it.  I know the world is an awful place for many people but besides my prayers and my pennies I give to P.W.S. & D., there is not much else I can do.

And I am finding that even good intentions get thwarted too.

My concern about the health of my friend, Mary, has been ongoing. Finally, I said “See a specialist about that hip”, I almost said “or else.” And her doctor did make the appointment. I offered to take her but then I came down with a kidney infection, so I phoned a senior friend to take her, then the next day it was -33F and she said that it was far too cold for my senior friend to be out so she would get her daughter to take her.  Twice I had tried to get that lady to the doctor and God said “No, her daughter is to take her.”

We had a prayer together before she left and she called a few minutes ago.  She was so happy her daughter was there to help her sign the papers, find out what the future entailed and be part of the preparation for her hip surgery.  She had been so fearful about the whole thing and God had said “Fear Not.”

Her voice was so filled with joy when she called and I, in un-Presbyterian enthusiasm said “Praise the Lord.”  So I sit here smiling.  Even when you’re sure you’re doing all the right things for the right reasons, don’t count God out of the picture.  He has a plan…so fear not!

Photo by LassenNPS (Winter road) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons