A Call for Ideas

A subcommittee of Assembly Council is asking for suggestions from groups and individuals as it works on a strategic plan for the denomination.

The task was assigned to the council by the 2014 General Assembly as part of a motion to “declare that a clear and critical priority as a denomination is to renew, equip and inspire local congregations and missions.”

“The subcommittee quickly realized the importance of understanding as clearly as possible what congregations were looking for in terms of resources that will encourage, support and strengthen their ministry,” said Heather Crisp, convener of the council and subcommittee. “We felt we needed to have input from all elements of the church, especially congregations and individuals, in order to find out.”
Due March 13, comments can be posted on presbyterian.ca, submitted by email, or sent to the national offices. Three questions were also sent to presbyteries.

“We would particularly like to receive suggestions or examples of how the resources available to the PCC, large or small, might make positive changes in a congregation,” Crisp said.