Thursday: Divine Language

I think
about you
before I go
to sleep,
and my thoughts
turn to you
during the night.
—Psalm 63:6

Dreams are part of G-d’s language. And the moments just before sleep are moments in which the divine and the human hold each other’s hands. At night there is silence and there is darkness. There is nothing to distract us from seeing and hearing and feeling the Divine.

Teach us to be silent and close our eyes, to fully live in silence and darkness so that we can know you, G-d of many surprises. Do not let us ruin what is divine with our own images or concepts. Help us to live inside the hiddeness of your Presence.

About Jordi Bisbe

Jordi Bisbe is part of a group called CAFA: Comunidad Apostolica Fronteras Abiertas (Apostolic Community Open Borders). He was a Benedictine monk, has a day job working with youth, and he chaplains a Christian Association of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals in Barcelona, Spain. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online