Saturday: Become Aware

that is in me
clings to you
I feel lifted up
by your love
—Psalm 63:8

In the practice of prayer, we become aware of the Divine Reality and we are feel close to Her. This consciousness of G-d’s “nearness” makes us feel safe and protected. It’s like we are being held by a strong embrace. Living on the inside of this awarenss frees us from things that make us insecure or uncertain. G-d is seen and life is lived in the Presence of the Divine Lover.

Guide my prayer, Powerful Divinity, so that I can have a felt sense of your presence. Let me live in the knowing that you are in me and I in you. Let your embrace be my nurture and sustain me .

About Jordi Bisbe

Jordi Bisbe is part of a group called CAFA: Comunidad Apostolica Fronteras Abiertas (Apostolic Community Open Borders). He was a Benedictine monk, has a day job working with youth, and he chaplains a Christian Association of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals in Barcelona, Spain. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online