Friday: Malleable

…as yourself. Mark 12:31b
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you … -Jerimiah 29:11

Dear God,
I realize often how malleable I truly am. I think I am rock-solid in my ideas, my beliefs, even my faith in you, and yet, I realize I am easily shaped by the world around me, the voices that call, the doubts that erode. I thank you that whenever life gets me out of shape, you look down, and see that I am not set that way, but am still workable. You come along side me, and lift me up, and turn my path around. Somehow, I find myself tall and strong and again pointed in the right direction. Thank you for always shaping, working and re-working me, towards the being that you created me to be. Amen.

About Meredith Jimenez

Meredith Jimenez is a Presbyterian minister living in Elm Grove, Wisconsin, with her son, Paul. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online