Do Something!

Re Numbed and Helpless, February
Andrew, please wake up to God’s Spirit and strength. I was so amazed and sad to read your pitiful article. There’s nothing for you to do? Really? If that is so, please resign now, get some help/love and be open to renewal. Please! For our sake, for your sake, for God’s sake and the health of the world.

Don’t tell me there’s nothing concrete that you can do. What about offering that young man sanctuary, getting in some trouble yourself for God’s sake? How about leading a group of Christians in attending a local mosque? Do something; anything! But don’t give us excuses and pretend that having fun with your family and friends as usual is the answer. How about leading a movement from within the church that challenges people to start living lives that take the world seriously, really challenging the powers of our culture that the “terrorists” are reacting against? 

The Spirit of God is here, whether or not you hear and use her. The lack of leadership and discipleship that you show is yet another reason for the church to be not taken seriously. We deserve to die, the sooner the better.

Better yet, choose to live.

About Anthony Gifford, Stella, Ont.