Sunday: Journey Through Lent

Hello Casa family and blessed Sunday to you all. Today is our second Sunday in Lent. Instead of extinguishing candles in worship I will be lighting them for the journey of Lent…inviting congregants to light their path of faith from within themselves with the lighting of each candle (moving from body, to mind, heart, spirit)…

As we journey through Lent we do so with Christ at our side…a blessings of companionship…a well of love for us to draw from when we need it…blessings on your Lenten journey today and in the coming month…may it nurture you in ways unseen and unheard….in the ways of the Spirit.

God keep this path Holy…make us sacred instruments for your work…help us and guide us daily to live out your love more and more each day…bless us with your presence, your light, and your spirit…

About Gneid Walsh

Gneid Walsh is a United Church minister in Newfoundland. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online