Hello Mornings

Are you looking for a little something to get you moving in the mornings?
Do you find yourself struggling to make room in your life for quiet time and reflection?

I do. It’s something I battle with regularly as life is busy. As part of my constant desire to overcome these two obstacles I’ve been part of the Hello Mornings Challenge since 2012.  The Hello Mornings challenge was originally conceived as a way to encourage Christian women to get up early and meet Jesus first, the day second. I have found my time with the challenge to be incredibly rewarding.

The group I’m part of right now on Twitter has been together in one form or another since 2013. We meet each morning online to greet one another in prayer, through scripture and as well as sending kind thoughts and encouragements. Our group has been as small as 8 members and as large as 15 as people cycle in and out depending on the seasons of their lives. Right now we’re about to enter a new 6 week session and I thought as this challenge has benefited me so much I’d encourage you to check it out.

If you’re not on Twitter have no fear. There are Facebook groups and Instagram girls. There are over 200 leaders of various groups waiting to offer encouragement, support and accountability as you strive to change your morning routine. The commitment isn’t long. Each challenge runs for 6 weeks with a 2 week break until the next session. There are studies and other resources offered as a guide and encouragement for each participant.  It’s very flexible and no one pounces on you if you can’t make it one day. They just want to see you thrive in your walk with Jesus. It’s really a fantastic ministry and I feel blessed to have been a part of it.

I’d love to have you as part of our group (#MJAD – Meeting Jesus at Dawn) on Twitter or someone else would like to have you as well.  Registration is this week (it’s free!) and you can find out more here at the Hello Mornings Challenge page.

P.S. – There is no need to stick with their recommended study! While it does look interesting (it’s on the Psalms) there is no need to deviate from your schedules reading and reflections if you don’t wish to. Hello Mornings is there to offer prayer and support regardless. I’m planning to read the above book in the next session while also checking out various aspects of their study. It’s all about what works for you.